Virgin Coconut Oil: Beauty and Health Oil

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been around the corner since the researchers found its use for beauty. Apart from helping us beautify, this oil also has many health benefits. To have this oil, you could easily make it at home. Just follow this 6-step process on how to make VCO at home.


VCO for beautiful skin

Women who love to beautify themselves use VCO to keep their skin moisturized. Are you aware that it has five beauty uses? You could use it as a lip balm and as skin moisturizer before and after shaving. You could also use it for oil-pulling and as a deodorant. And since it is an oil, it is good for using as a body scrub.

How about for face? You could use it as a makeup remover because most cosmetics are oil-based. What’s best about it, is that it acts as a natural antibacterial and anti-yeast that help protect your skin from infections.

Another thing that is great about VCO is that it could also be used to treat baby’s eczema. Because it is all natural, it is safe to apply it topically on your baby.


VCO for health

More than making your skin look refreshed, virgin coconut oil is also used as a cleansing agent. People use it to get rid of toxins from their body.

However, do take note that when it is your first time to take it internally, it could cause some discomfort. It is what they call “die off” symptoms. But do not worry, as it only lasts for a few days, and once your body gets used to the oil, you will feel its benefits.


I have heard and read many good things about this beauty and health oil before. However, I have never tried using one even after seeing a lot of testimonials from other people.

While I do not mind applying it topically, I am not sure if I could swallow it for detoxification. While I would love to remove toxins from my body, I think I still need some convincing before I would try to ingest it. (Teehee. 🙂 )

Or maybe.. Just maybe.. a little more push from someone would make me take it. I don’t know yet. Maybe soon? Maybe if I come across the oil in the supermarket. Who knows? Maybe someday. 🙂 Or maybe you could help convince me to do it? (LOL)

Other than virgin coconut oil, another oil that I found useful in beautifying me is the sunflower oil. I have bought it from a local beauty store named “Human Nature” in our country. Up to now, I still use it to keep my skin supple and healthy.

Have you tried any of these uses of VCO? Share your experiences in the comments section, so maybe someone who have read your post could gather up the courage to cleanse their body. I would love to hear from you too. 🙂

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