2 min read 1

My Mommy Heart

My baby is currently in his 2.5th week. And I heard a lot of people […]

3 min read 1

A Period of Adjustment

29 days post partum. 29 days of having poor sleep. 29 days of breastfeeding a […]

3 min read 0

Worry Not

I grew up in a family which follows the Chinese traditions. And Chinese would always […]

2 min read 0

God Forever Listens

I don’t like it if a person hurts me and then he will apologize to […]

3 min read 0

To My Missing Things

Have you ever lost something? I bet you do. Because it just happens. May it […]

4 min read 0

In An Instant

Everything moves in a fast pace nowadays. We want the things that we do to […]

2 min read 0

Worry Not

The other day, I was missing a very important document, and we’ve been looking for […]

2 min read 0

Scary Dream

Last night, I woke up from a not-really-that-bad nightmare. What I dreamt of was about something that won’t […]