Life as It Is

Being in a wrong relationship is worse than being single.

I know some people who are in a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship even if it is too obvious that one loves the other more. I know that in love, it is not right to measure who loves who more, well we logically won’t be able to measure them accurately, but to me, it has to be a give and take situation.

I am not a love expert (my husband is only my second boyfriend), but having read lots of relationship articles and hearing not too little success and failed love story has helped me grow more maturely in this field of socialization.

When parents say that they are way ahead of us in regards to living our life, we should believe them. Well for one, you are half their age, and secondly, they have known you since birth. I am not saying though that parents don’t make mistakes, but it’s just that, what they want us to have and to be is what they think is best for us.

So for those kiddos (uck! Feel so old..) who are currently in your teens and even younger, who are in lovey dovey with your ‘significant other’, don’t make them the center of your life. Because believe me, either they won’t be there 100% to witness you getting gray hair, or if they do grow old with you, well then, congratulations! You are one lucky person to hit the jackpot!

Love your parents, enjoy your childhood and teenage life, study hard (it will be all worth it), earn enough for a living, celebrate your success, find ‘the one’ for you, and enjoy the rest of your life with them.

Always remember that if it doesn’t work well right now, it is not the end of your world, it might just be the conclusion of someone’s role in your life. God will always be reserving someone else for you, and if he/she does not come, then rejoice, for it means that your life will be handled by only one, and that is God. Allow Him to rule you, and you will never regret. 🙂

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