3 min read 0

Out of Comfort Zone

Soon it will be my 10th year anniversary in my current job. Woohoo! I did not […]

2 min read 0

Waiting for His Time

I look forward on Sundays as I can hear pastors sharing the word of God. […]

5 min read 0

Suffer No More

It’s the second day of the year 2019, and it seems that I am not […]

2 min read 0

New Year, New Me

Only 4 days left before a new year will start again. And as usual, I […]

3 min read 0

Moving On

Last night, I saw a high school friend at the mall. Whom I was a […]

4 min read 0

A Ghastly Experience

When I woke up today, as usual, sleeping beside me so soundly is my husband […]