Pray and Be Healed

I went to sleep to my parent’s home last night. However I am not sure if how many hours in total I was asleep. In short, I think I am half awake while sleeping yester-night. Why? Because our little nephew is sick. He has a slight fever, and we are not sure if he also has a sore throat because every time we are feeding him, he would eat the first but does not follow through. He does not want to get close to anyone else besides his grandparents. He does not have the energy to play his favorite sport basketball. All he does is turn his head from left to right signaling to us that he is unfavorable to anything that we want him to do.

I feel bad for the little one because it really shows that he is feeling ill in everything. And to think that his normal healthy self is a bit choosy in terms of the food that he eats, now his appetite is even worse.

So I woke up in the middle of the night upon hearing the arguments between the little boy and his grandmother. When I opened my eyes, I saw my mother trying to feed him something because he has to take his meds, but he does not budge. According to grandma, he is already hungry but still refuses to eat so they are a bit forcing him to eat, arguing with him and all annoyed. Him on the other hand, maybe just wants to sleep and is irritated and does not want anything by mouth.

Since the lamp is on, as usual it is hard for me to get back to sleep, not to mention with them fighting in the background. I tried so hard to ignore the noise and the brightness that penetrates my eyelids to fall back to slumber. However, to my dismay, their argument just went on and on, until who knows what time is was until I fell asleep again. To be awoken up by same happenings, and until I was tired of hearing them, so I prayed.

I prayed to God to help my nephew feel better and make him follow my mom’s orders and so that they may go back to sleep again to take a rest. And I also sought His help to help me also to sleep and to wake up the next day for I had to report to work.

Thank God for hearing my cries and after some time, no more noise was heard and everyone else already went to sleep. Until when I was only woken by my alarm at quarter to 6 in the morning.

More often than not, we tend to solve issues on our own, forgetting that we have the most powerful God with us to help us. We tend to use up all our strengths and knowledge on what to do with the things that make us suffer and tired. So there are times that it seems to me that when we fall short to remembering God, is when the time that circumstances happen to us, leading us back to seeking His help and pray to Him. Because most of the time, it is during our darkest days when we would remember to call out His name. That when the tides are tough, was when the time He would be hearing from us. God is just like anyone else that we know, He wants us to look up to Him. He wants us to let Him lead the way for only His way is the best all the time.

I pray and hope that we would always remember to find God. That not only during when we are down and don’t know what to do will we seek Him. God is even happier during the times when we are experiencing joyful moments in this life. Much like how our parents feel when we are successful and is enjoying every bit in this lifetime. 🙂

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