Let’s be Holy

Holy week is the season where all people turn holy. They take this opportunity to repent for their sins and go on abstaining. They sacrifice by avoiding doing what they usually do. Like instead of eating pork, chicken and beef, they eat fish. And they would say their prayer more often this week. Year by year this is what the Filipinos do.

Other than that, other larger group of people would go on vacation – some would go to beaches while others prefer playing by the poolside. See my previous post on facts about sunscreen (https://happinicki.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/sunscreen-effect/)

I don’t want to break their game, nor do I want to antagonize their beliefs, but for me, saying my thanks and repenting for my sins do not have to be a once a year habit. Why don’t we make it a weekly or better yet, daily habit? If doing it daily is much of a hassle, maybe at least once a week? Basically, the thing is, if praying becomes a habit, it will come to you naturally.

I don’t want to brag too much, but since I got into praying, I call to God whenever something good or if there is something hindering our daily plans. I always make it a point to say my thanks. And there are also times that if I feel like getting angry, I would rather inhale and exhale deeply, and then pray. Wow. Such a blessing! I can’t help but call unto Him involuntarily. And as always, He never fails.

Jeremiah 29:11 – 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Whatever God allows us to encounter, God is always sure about the outcome. And it will always lead us to what, where and how He wants our life to be. Don’t fret. Because what He has in store will always be greater than what we want and what we pray for. God bless you always. 🙂

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