29 Weeks and Counting..

I am currently on my week 29 of carrying this little bundle of joy. And I must say that I am having mixed feelings right now. A part of me is excited that in 10 weeks time, I will be able to see, hold, touch, and love this little one, but a part of me is also sad that I won’t be with him 24/7 (since him being inside my belly assures me that I am with him all the time and being able to feel his kicks and hiccups every now and then), but also I will miss the perks of being belly bulging mommy – being provided with special priorities not all can have.

This one I can say is by far the most precious Christmas gift to receive this coming December (or he could come out around January of next year). I still couldn’t believe that God always has His way of making me feel special all the time. Despite all the hardships and pain that I have gone through, I know that what God has in store for me is always what my heart desires. I even prayed for a baby boy and He reluctantly gave him to me. No ifs, no buts, no other reasons. I know that most of the time, I am not being a nice child to God, but I will forever be thankful for what He is always providing for me and my family. I know that soon we will having a lot of additional expenses – having the need to buy diapers, milk, vitamins, follow through checkups, and the likes – but I know and I am sure that God will provide.

So right now, I don’t want to fret yet. For currently, I am still employed, and soon, I know that I may have to leave the company for taking care of the needs of my family. I hope that God would help me find a new source of income (I am thinking of doing something next, and I hope that I can do it successfully.. Let’s keep our fingers crossed).

Right now, what I have to think about first is what to name our baby. Teehee. 🙂 And soon, we have to start buying baby stuffs too. Yeay! This is getting exciting. 🙂

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