Tis the Gift Giving Season

I don’t know what’s with the Christmas season that it seems that the people are a bit nicer and more generous. Is it just me who notices it? Or does the season really affect the people of this world? I myself am also just like the rest of the living creature on Earth. Especially this time, I am not sure why, but I also want to make others happy these past few days. It doesn’t mean that I have more cash to give to other people. It is just that this time, I feel a bit happier (well I also am happy the past years) when I am able to make people happier than how they are already feeling.

I noticed that this week, the week before Christmas, I would always be thinking of how to make the people that I get to meet happy. It may not be by giving material things – though it helps a lot to see the smiles on their faces – but how else can I be able to show them that not everything (or just the material things) can make most of the people happy.

More often than not, it seems that what makes them gay is by touching their hearts. So when I shop for gifts, I don’t shop by buying expensive stuffs just to have something good to give to the people that I care about. But more often, I try my best to shop for what their hearts are longing. Though there are times that I make mistakes, still I would always think of what’s best for each of them.

James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

So now it seems that when I am doing my Christmas shopping, I have the spirit in me that helps me decide on which one should I buy. For always, I would find “the one” to give to my loved ones. Thank goodness. For if not, it will take me years to be able to buy the perfect present for each one of them.

So when I think about it, it seems that not only me is cherishing the one of the most important yearly event in my life. Because I don’t know what’s with this year, but it seems that most of the stuffs I received were all thought about. Because, I really like and appreciate them. 🙂

So I thank God that because what we are experiencing right now is because of Him. So we should remember the real reason why we are currently enjoying the gift giving season yearly. 🙂

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