Let God Take Over

I tried to sleep a little earlier last night. Only to click the snooze button this morning, and was woken up by my husband, saying “babe, it’s 6 already.” Meaning, I am half an hour late from the time that I should have woken up.


Woke up late again. Thank goodness that I already prepared my lunch (most of the time I bring food for lunch, as it is better since I control the ingredients that I add, also to save money) last night. I only have to reheat it today.

If not then I might be late for work. Oh no.

Even if we have some grace period, as much as possible, I try my best to arrive early at work. You can never tell when misfortune hits you and could not get there on time.

So as I was lazying to get up from bed, I was surprised as I did not have to worry a single second and did not even try to move faster than my normal speed.

When I left the house, rode the elevator and upon reaching the last floor, suddenly I remembered that I left a bag I planned to bring today and I struggled for 2 seconds whether to go back up but eventually I rode again to get the eco bag that I left. Again, I walked with my normal pace, and was not worried of getting late.

Why, you may ask?

Because as my normal pacing, I would always be in a hurry especially now that I am 15 minutes late from my usual time of leaving the house.

However for today, I let my guard down and let God do the work. I leave everything to God’s hands. I did not let panic conquer me.

Philippians 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I am glad that I can rest away worries to God. I should always do this since there are times that I forget to leave them to God. Because no matter what happens, God will always be in control. 🙂

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