Flu Proof Yourself

Rainy season is coming our way! And soon, our streets will be flooded with waters and people carrying umbrellas again. The season does not only bring those our way, but what they also bring us are the different deadly viruses of colds and flu with them.

What do you do to ready yourselves for the rainy season? Or shall I say, on what the rainy season would bring?

Some of us would rather stay at home lying on their bed, enjoying the chilly weather, while sipping a hot cup of beverage of their choice – may it be café latte, espresso, or chocolate topped with marshmallows – yummy! 🙂 , while others would be enjoying their travel under the rain with their sweaters on and trying to show off to their female counterparts. But most of us would be doing our usual routine of waking up, getting dressed, and travelling to their offices and trying to get there in one piece despite the bad weather.

Moments like this do happen in real life. When I was a student years ago (Let’s not be specific on the number please. XD), when we feel bed weather upon waking up on school days, we would be looking forward to suspension of classes watching televisions or listening to our radio. We would be hesitant to take our baths, since we are praying that we may get to sleep more and enjoy the day ahead playing with our favorite toys and not having to fight the rain to go to school. However, most of the time, we would be saddened as newscasters would then report that no suspension of classes is to be heard, and that students should get ready now to go to school.

So anyway, what are your ways of getting ready for the flu season ahead? Let me share with you some tips on how to stay healthy (my way. Teehee :D)

  1. Drink lots and lots of fluid (I mean clear water or hot teas), to help flush away toxins from the body. In tropical countries, it is ideal to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. If you aren’t sure if you chowed down enough, just check your pee: if it is clear white, then you are good to go.
  2. Eat healthily. Remember the Go, Grow, Glow foods that have been echoing since our elementary days? It’s time to review these food groups and well, chew them up!
  3. Sleep at least 7 to 9 hours every night. Ideally our body restoring time is at its peak starting from 10PM to 2AM. Don’t let this get away!
  4. Take your vitamin C. This vitamin protects our body from the harmful viruses that make us weak.
  5. Take flu shot. I noticed that after taking regular flu shots, I don’t get sick too often, or that it shortens the duration of my colds.
  6. Do exercise regularly. Try to do at least 30 minutes of workout a day for 3 to 5 days within a week.
  7. Keep away from stress. There are many stressors that affect us differently. Choose to not be affected by stress, or better yet, find a hobby that can keep your stress at bay. In my case, I do crocheting!
  8. Stay happy. Being happy is a state of mind. Many petty things make us grumpy, but don’t let it get the best of you. Inhale and exhale, and then smile. Try it, it goes a long way.

So there you go. I shared some of the tips that help make me fight the bacteria, viruses and diseases off me. I do get sick every once in a while, and when I do, I try my best to eat healthily even if it is harder to do so. And to drink more water and hot herbal teas to get well soon. You too can! 🙂 Just make sure to stay healthy whole year round, I am sure that your body’s defenses will be ready by the time enemies would attack you. 🙂