Bridezilla Proof your Wedding Day

Counting from today, it is 95 days before Christmas. Wow, come to think of it, time flew by so fast that it is less than 100 days before we celebrate Christ's date of birth. 8 days before that day arrives, is my wedding date, and I still can't believe that I only have 87 days left to finish and complete my wedding preparations. And they even say that by the last two weeks before your big day, you should be chillin' to prevent yourself from becoming a "Bridezilla". Bridezilla meant that a bride that looks like Godzilla, I think? Oh no – not sure if being one would look good in our photos though. So 87 days minus 14 days, equals 73 days. Whew! Time to stress myself out! I still have some paperworks to do – I have to order an original copy of birth certificate to be submitted to the city hall for me to request for a marriage license.

One part of me is happy that finally, in less than 4 months, I will be living my new life with my prince charming, but the other part of me is sad, because I will be leaving my old hometown of 17 years (we've been staying in our current home for this long number of years). I will be away from my parents and siblings, and also from my first legitimate nephew (we have quite a number of neices and nephew from our cousins). 🙁 I will be missing the simple joys of being together with my first family. The laughter, and enjoyment of doing window shopping together with my mom and sister, the tiresome cleaning of house (now I have to do them by myself in our new house), and the forever bonding we do in our not so favorite coffee shop. These memories will never be forgotten and will be cherished that I can look back to whenever I will be missing them. 🙂

On the other hand, I will be looking forward to enjoying the company of my soon to be family. And will be trying to build our own family, with little me's and my fiance's. I will try my best to help my husband, support him, and love him just as Christ loves us. I pray to God to help us get along with one another, because I know that everything will be hard in the beginning. They always say that the first seven years of marriage will be the hardest part – and once you surpass that, then, happily ever after awaits you. The adjustments will be hard, but I know that I have God to back us up.

But before you encounter these things, wedding preparations surely make you cringe to the point that you lose your heads in the making. I know because I also feel that sometimes. Especially when you feel that you only got a few weeks to go and you still have a lot left on your to do list, what do you do? Normally, I would go over my planner and panic. And in the end, I get nothing done.

So what then are the tips to not becoming a bridezilla on or before your wedding day?

  • Pray to God during preparations
  • Seek God's help when looking for a supplier
  • Try to finish all preparations early on (except for those with validity)
  • Enjoy every bit of moment you share with your special someone
  • Make every decision with your boyfriend count
  • Communicate well with your suppliers
  • Do not allow outsiders (I mean those who are not closely related to you) to judge and choose what's best for your wedding
  • Don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go as planned
  • Do not get intimidated by other's weddings, each one of us is special, and will have the best day ever on our very own wedding day 🙂
  • Pray for a not-so-problemful wedding day
  • Finally, enjoy your wedding day because it only happens once in a lifetime 🙂

Prepping for your wedding is one thing that all of us brides to be focus on a year or two before your day. But what really should we be readying for? In reality, on your wedding day, you would feel that everything would pass by so quickly, that you would just get to your senses after everything is done. Which is why, what we really need to prepare for, is not our wedding day (oh yes we do literally, but!) more than that, we should be getting ready more for our married life.

Genesis 1:27-28: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.' "

God took a part of man's ribs, and made it woman – to become his helper and to love him and be submissive to him. This will forever be God's plan in our lives in marriage. So as a wife to be to my soon to be husband, I am currently searching and reading on how to become the wife that he wants to come home to every night. I want to be the one to cheer him up whenever he is down, serve him food whenever he is hungry, give him hope when everything else has gone wrong, come to him whenever he is distant. For this is what God wants us to be, a loving wife to the man that He created out of His image.

I know that God will be there to guide us in our new life, and I know that I have to lean on Him, and seek for His help when problems arise. Only He will be able to solve the problems that we cannot, for "With God, all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 🙂

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