Right on Time

God makes all good things possible in His perfect time. This is what I try to think of all the time. Even though that I don’t always have a colorful day everyday, I always pray to God to bless me and make me a better person than who I was yesterday. I always pray that He make me somebody in His likeness. I must admit that I do get grumpy when I encounter unhappy moments. But whenever I do, I try my best to not growl at people who have wronged me. I just do it like “inhale, exhale, inhale, and then exhale” and then I try to clear my mind, release the stress and anger. And, I smile. ☺️

We are not blessed with millions of pesos. But God has given us what we needed just right on time. We don’t have a big house, but we have a warm sweet home to stay in thru the cold nights. We enjoy three full set of meals (okay, sometimes or most of time, we eat more than 3 times haha). We get to travel sometimes, not in those high end places, but just at the right place where we can enjoy each other’s company and have fun. 

Few months ago, my cousin invited us to join his tour in Korea. And I thought to myself, where shall I get money? I don’t earn too much money, also, I want to save too. However, I also want to go to Korea. I was torn, but then in the end, I just said to myself that maybe, I will just save more than how much I do, to be able to fund myself. But two months ago, God showed me to fret no more. Because He gave me what I needed, and much more than what I needed! Wow. God really is good. No, good is not the perfect adjective, He certainly is the best. 😊 

I hope and pray that God would continue to bless us so that we can share His goodness to others too. ☺️

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