My Kind of Pasta

Yesterday, I was craving for something. No, I am not pregnant, it is just my usual monthly (or shall I say, almost weekly cravings? Haha).

Suddenly I wanted to eat anything that involves pasta – spaghetti noodles to be specific. I like eating noodles most of the time. When we eat at a Chinese restaurant, I usually order mami (chinese noodle soup), at a Japanese resto, I would order ramen, and if we are at Italian inspired restaurant, I would opt for pasta.

In short, I like those that are long. For long life – they say.

So specifically, I wanted to eat Yellow Cab’s Charlie Chan pasta.

Few months back, I found an improvised recipe and tried it already once. And I was happy with my improvised improvised recipe. I did not copy everything from their menu as the original recipe is spicy and my hubby is not really a fan of spicy stuffs.

So as I copy the recipe in my mind, I was also substituting what would suit well and could copy the same taste as that of the one with a bit pricey boxed pasta.

And the result is….

Yes, I got an additional recipe to cook as regular. Thank goodness he approved of it. He even commended it. Teehee. Ohhh.. Got butterflies in my stomach that night. 🙂

So if ever you are interested, I would gladly share with you my..

Improvised Improvised Charlie Chan

  • 500 grams spaghetti (cooked per instruction but minus 3 minutes since it will still be cooked with the sauce)
  • 2 halves chicken breast, sliced
  • 2 to 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 5 to 6 pcs shiitake mushroom (soaked in hot water overnight if bought dry, then sliced)
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp sweet chili sauce (this is not spicy, but in the grocery they have a spicier version if you want)
  • 3 tbsp sugar (adjust to your likeness)
  • 1 cup of water (from the water where the mushroom was soaked to soften)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • cornstarch (to be mixed to the 1 cup of water to thicken the sauce)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • some onion chives for garnish

Cooking instructions:

  1. Heat the pan, then add olive oil. Follow through with garlic, and then add the sliced mushrooms.
  2. Then add the chicken, and saute until nicely browned.
  3. Add the oyster sauce, peanut butter, sweet chili sauce, sugar, pepper, salt, and (a little bit only) water. Taste.
  4. Once you get the taste that you want (per savory and sweetness), bring the sauce to a boil then add the cornstarch mixture (water+cornstarch).
  5. Add now the pasta, and mix well.
  6. Top with chopped onion chives.
  7. Serve hot. Enjoy! 🙂

Optional: You may add peanuts too. 🙂

Well.. What can you say? Feel free to comment below. 🙂

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