Life Lessons

Tv series are everywhere. There are from US, some from China, while the most famous here in our country is from Korea.

Undoubtledly, filipinos go crazy whenever their favorite Korean singer or actor visits our place. And even if it costs them a month’s worth of their salary, fanatics would willingly purchase tickets just to see their crushes.

I too am sometimes like them. It’s just that I am not that crazy about them to pay for that price. I would just be excited to watch their series and say “oh isn’t he cute?”. But that’s just it.

Because apart from enjoying the beautiful faces of their actors and actresses, what I love about watching is that I get to learn quite a few life’s lessons.

Here are some of them:

  • Life will not always be sweet.
  • You will never always get what you want.
  • Being in love is not always easy.
  • Staying in love is even harder.
  • No matter what, parents would always want what’s best for their children.
  • Not all the people you meet will stay in your life forever.
  • Choose your friends wisely. Not all of them are true.
  • Money is not all that will make us happy.
  • Don’t be too serious.
  • Love yourself too.

There are still a lot. But these are what affects us the most. 🙂

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