Emmenagogue – Period Inducer

My auntie is having a hard time now. She worries because her menstrual period is already days delayed. And what’s worse is that in a few days time, she will be leaving the country for Korea. One part that worries her is what could probably be wrong with her body that’s been causing the delay, and another part is that she might not enjoy her tour because it makes her feel uneasy.

I suggested her to take some stuffs because those might help induce menstruation. I learned in college that “emmenagogues” are herbs that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area which might induce the release of our menstrual flow.  These plant derived beings help induce heat in our body – allowing normal blood flow.

The following lists some of the herbs that can be easily obtained, that are good to take to help us:

  • Ginger Tea (or Turmeric) – most powerful
  • Vitamin C rich foods such as oranges, kiwi, broccoli, etc.
  • Grapes – which include wine
  • Pomegranate

I have not yet tried any of these, but might might give them a try next time – since nothing will be lost. I just hope I don’t experience this.

Before, I even heard that drinking soda can also help, but some studies say that caffeine could interfere with our monthly period. So for me, it would be better to substitute carbonated drinks with other drinks, but water will always be the best.

Do also make sure to stay healthy for a better well being. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables – including the different colors, sleep at least 7 to 9 hours at night, drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (Tip: Check and make sure that your pee is clear), exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week – at least 30 minutes), and steer clear from stress.

Remember that we can’t be healthy overnight. It takes continuous healthy eating and living habit to maintain and help protect our bodies from the non stop multiplying diseases that can be found everywhere.

I hope that we can get ourselves dive into staying healthy to keep ourselves from getting sick often. 🙂

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