Be Happy

Be happy.

A very powerful statement that only composes of two words. “Be” indicates the present, and “happy” an adjective that means jolly, cheerful and glad.

Be happy when you hear your alarm in the morning. For it is a sign that you are alive.

Be happy when you feel hungry. For it means that your digestion is working fine.

Be happy when you have to walk to work or school. For it means that you have two strong limbs.

Be happy when you carry a heavy bag. For it means that you have a lot of material things to use.

Be happy when you have stuffs to buy. For it means you are living well enough.

Be happy when you have to sweep and mop your floor. For it means that you have a shelter to stay to.

Be happy when you are tired at the end of the day. For it means that you utilized your God given body well.

Be happy when you are too busy at work. For it means that you are employed.

Be happy when you have to decide on which shoe or shirt to wear. For it means that you are well clothed.

Be happy when your superior or parents scold or teach you at work. For other people don’t have someone to learn from.

Be happy when you are sad and when you cry. For it is your way to release the tension that has been building up inside of you.

Be happy when things don’t go your way. For God has a better way planned ahead for you.

Be happy even when others are not. For no matter how bad your day has been, someone somewhere out there is experiencing a lot worse than you currently are.

Be happy when you feel that all the people have abandoned you. For God will still be there for you through thick and thin.

No matter what happens, be happy.

At the end of the day, it is you who will choose how to view your life and how you would and should react. And God amongst others is the happiest when you are happy. So be. 🙂

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