Be Content. Be a Blessing. Be Happy.

Have you ever heard somebody say that he is contented with his life? That he does not need anything else but being alive makes his heart sing?

I think never will I hear that, or maybe, if someone in his old age who already got what he wanted would be able to finally say that, “I am now contented with all that I have, and all that I have experienced.” But people my age would be like:

“I still have to reach my dreams and goals in life.”

“I still have to complete my bucket list.”

“I want to travel around the world.”

“I want to win the lottery to be able to buy all the luxury things that I want.”

“I want to get married, and have children.”

The list is too long to enumerate one by one. But these are the desires we often hear from the people around us. Yes, it is normal, and it is not bad to have dreams, because that is the reason why we are living in this world.

Being a human, it is natural that we would be aspiring to be something, or rather, someone who has his worth. Even the richest among us would still not stop earning money, and saving, and investing in something we think that would make our money grow. I understand why, because in this life, we need money to survive. Even cliché would say that “Money makes the world go round.” True enough, we can’t have a full stomach without a penny. And you can’t go to places you want to go without cash. Hospitals won’t bother with your complaints if there is no down payment. Buildings will not start up without initial payment. Business would not run without a capital. Your child could not be enrolled in school without any deposit. So even with people who has billions of money in the bank, he would still chase it, and save enough for future needs. Getting sick is also one of the causes, because treatments are costly.

How then, can we experience contentment?

In this lifetime, one can only be contented with God. Because God alone sustains what our hearts desire. That without Him, no matter who we are with, and how many expensive cars and belongings we have, as long as there is no God, then there will always be a hole inside our hearts.

When God blesses us, He wants us to bless others too. This is the reason why whenever we give, we feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness that nothing can compare. When we give, we not only help the recipient, but also made that one person happy. Though it is not really a requirement to do so, if you want to be God’s disciple, better follow His teachings.

Mark 12:31 – “The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

When God said that we should love our neighbor as yourself, meaning that He wants us to show God’s love to other people through us. I think everyone would agree that we all love ourselves, right? So that means that we should treat each and everyone beyond ourselves right. Let us be a medium to show them that God has sent us here on earth to share His goodness and teach them how to be righteous too. So that everybody will be happy by being a blessing to others too. 🙂

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