A Ghastly Experience

When I woke up today, as usual, sleeping beside me so soundly is my husband whom I have always been envious about (Since I have to get up earlier than him 5 days a week!). Not so bad since it was already 6 in the morning at that time. And I need not rush as I have only few stuffs to do at home today.

And since the weather is nicer than how it was yesterday, I was again hesitant to get up, and rather, I would like to borrow a few more minutes of my morning for some added slumber. But then in the end, I had to get up and get ready for the last working day of the week. At the back of my mind, I was thinking “Get up and just take your time tomorrow.” So then I rose from my bed, only to find something a little bit creepy.

I found our mini red lamp turned on.

“Huh? Did my husband woke up in the middle of the night to turn it on? And why didn’t he bother to turn it off afterwards?”

So before goose bumps fill all over my skin, I got up and went straight to the bathroom and take a shower. While thinking aside, was I only imagining things? Maybe I am just too sleepy that I am seeing things? Is it for real?

When I got out, and having seen that my roommate is already half awake, without wasting any second, I immediately asked him what’s been bothering me for the past 15 minutes under the warm shower.

His answer only made all my hairs go up. He said that he did wake up in the middle of the night, but he does not remember turning the lamp on. Gosh. What happened? Did it suddenly had earthquake? Or did something fall on it, and touching it to turn it on? (Our lamp’s switch is by touching any part of it).

We sat quietly for 5 seconds, and we looked at each other, and then he asked, “Could there be a ghost?”

Gulp. I didn’t realize that it’s a bit scary. But scarier than I thought. What should I do? Tomorrow I will be staying at home for the whole morning and afternoon, with only me, and if there is, some ghost being beside me? No. This can’t be real. I must be thinking too much.

But the next thing that I did was to pray. To seek God and protect us from any evil thing and thoughts. Goodness at this time, I can’t believe having to experience something like this. And the funny thing is, I even checked our living room if someone else broke in. But thank God there wasn’t anyone out there. And I still remember checking on our door if it is locked last night. The answer is yes.

Corinthians 10:13 – “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

I pray that we be free from all sorts of evil spirits. Because what happened is just an event that God wants to make us draw nearer Him, that we pray to Him, and seek His help and guidance especially now that the world is full of evil stuffs – that sometimes it is hard for us to turn away from these limitless and ever growing temptations. It seems that God wants to remind us that nothing is greater than Him, not any ghost nor some evil creature can ever compare to what He can do.

Deuteronomy 31:6 – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Rest assured that no matter what happens on this Earth, God will always be with us to protect us and keep us from the harmful effects of the living creatures. That even though that we are being surrounded by and outnumbered by some other beliefs, and those that are acting like God, they can never hurt us for only one God is able to cover us no matter how tough the situation is.

So we should always remember to leave everything in God’s hands, and let Him take control of our lives. Because He will forever be the most powerful. 🙂

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