The Impossible Dream

One of my friends loves travelling to other countries. I can say that she nearly visited almost the whole countries in Asia. But she especially loves the Land of the Rising Sun. I can’t remember how many times she went there. All I know is that she had been there multiple times already. She had been to Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, etc. She loves going back there. Previously, she liked South Korea than any other countries she visited. However, since she set foot on Japan, it had replaced Korea in her heart.

She booked a flight going to Tokyo last May (I think?), with travel period of October 4 to 10. She is accompanying one of our colleagues who have never been to any part of Japan. And as usual, even though this is not the first that she will be visiting the city, she is excited with planning, booking, and researching on how to make the best of her trip there. Early this year, she had been waiting for seat sale (Cebu Pacific airline), and had been readying herself on this vacation for the year. She plans her travel early on so that she may get the best prices for the places that she wants to go. Twice or thrice a year she rides the plane to take her to faraway place to leave her worries and stress behind, and come back refreshed as ever. She would plan her itinerary in full, making it possible to visit the most number of tourist spots that she can fit in that the schedule can manage. When I travelled with her 3 years ago, on the same city, I was amazed too because I enjoyed the place and was able to visit the most famous places to visit in Tokyo. This time though, since it will not be her first time, she planned the itinerary a little easy and light in her chill mode.

When she was booking their plane ticket, she asked her company if her dad allowed her to travel to Japan. She said “Not yet.” And as the days passed by, when they were applying for visa, she asked her again, and this time, her answer was “Don’t worry, I can handle this.” Okay. And then up until the last minute, when everything was done, and they only have a day before their trip, she asked her friend again. But this time, her sad answer was “I’m sorry, my dad did not allow me to go with you. His reason was that he does not know you.” Her friend, asked her if she can go by herself alone, and her answer was that it is not possible. For one, this is a super short notice, and she could not even embrace the fact that she have to go on the trip by herself, and another thing is that she is not accustomed to travelling herself, and she is not even sure if her dad would allow her to do so. So she had no choice but to let go of her most awaited vacation.

This is one of the most heartbreaking stories I have ever heard. I even told her that if that happened to me, I would cry a river. Because all my hopes and excitement and feelings were shattered. She stayed strong and forgave our friend. We just tried to comfort her because I would not help to joke with her on this failed trip.

I told her that God might have better plans for her. She might be lost for not having her long awaited vacation, but God knows better. Maybe He has a lot in store for her for not making her go to that trip. Today, no pain can be seen in her anymore, but I know that inside she is still hurting, and I hurt with her too. I feel sad for her. I just keep praying to God to make her stronger and to bless her again. I do too to our other friend, whom dreams were shattered and money lost. Anyway, money is just money, and will be earned again.

God is good for sending us friends to help us get through tough times. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. He knows who to send us. God knows that life will never be easy. No matter where we go, and who we are, we will face challenges that will make us stronger than yesterday, more fearless than who we were before, and more happy than how we thought we could be. 🙂

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