Chrysanthemum + Honey + Turmeric + Black Pepper = Antiviral Tea

Tea, Chrysanthemum, Turmeric, Honey

Hello and I am back and better than how I was 5 days ago. Got a really bad flu that made me use my Sick Leave credit. Thank goodness now I feel a whole lot better. Too bad though that it seems that I transferred my virus to my partner. And now he is having a terrible cough. Tsktsk. This happens almost all the time – me catching the virus and bringing it home, and then sharing it to my husband. Goodness. I need to stay healthy, else I would be causing him to get weak all the time.

It seems that it really helps to rest a lot and drink lots of fluid to get better when having a living microorganisms inside your body. I don’t just drink water, I also drink chrysanthemum tea, and with a bonus, I also add honey (but if you do, make sure to add the honey when the water is not too hot, otherwise, you would be killing its antibacterial effect. Take note!). It doesn’t just taste good, but it really helps relieve my stuffy nose and makes me feel better by relaxing me. Also, it also aids in relieving persistent coughs and takes away my headache. I tried to add some turmeric powder along with ground black pepper (to activate its antiviral effect), and boy it really does wonders.

I got confused though, while browsing the internet. One of them stated that they boil the turmeric powder for 10 minutes along with the black pepper, while others said that boiling would kill its antiviral effect. So in the end, I just added the yellow powder into my hot-but-not-boiling tea, and stirred until it got dissolved. I saw some effects. So maybe next time, I will make use of the turmeric powder as a health drink, or for maintaining my overall well being. Some of them even added milk to make it taste better. Hmm. Maybe I’ll try it, maybe not. We’ll see. 🙂

So for now, I still have to drink lots of fluid again to make me get better from my current state. Then, I hope that I can keep myself from getting sick. 😉

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