Blessings in Small Packages

I always listen to the radio while working. Quite too old fashioned, don’t you think? Yeah. Actually. I am not sure if you many of you still listen to FM. Because here in our production floor, there are quite a few among us who listen to it too. Most of the others listen to the most updated and newly released songs in their MP3’s. While I, still have to search for signals while tuning in to my favorite radio station. Though not literally, there are specific stations that I listen to right after lunch. And I do have my playlist for times that I wanted to listen to my favorite love songs.

Normally, I come to work fully equipped. My player fully charged, and with my own earphones, and there are times that I even bring my cable for charging jus in case my battery gets low. Oh, and I even have a powerbank nearby. However, yesterday, I forgot to bring my earphones. Thus, being unable to listen. And since I was whining, but not really, my seatmate heard me and he brought out his earphones, not really to lend them to me but to brag that he has, and I don’t. And since I am used to this person teasing me, I know, I have to plead to him to make me use his. Though without much effort, he lent me.

And then today, since I went home to my parent’s house last night, I was not able to bring mine again today. Too bad this friend of mine did not have his with him today. And then suddenly I remembered that my other friend also has her earphones with her which she seldomly used. And then quickly, I sent her a message asking if she has hers, and if she would allow me to use if she would not be using them. Thankfully, she willingly offered hers without me asking yet, and with free delivery service (she is from the other building). And so, now I am enjoying my afternoon because I have listened to my all time favorite story telling stations.

How lucky I am to have such kinds of friends. Though I know that the help they gave me is only small, still I am grateful to have them by my side. I don’t always get to help them everytime, but as much as possible, I do my best to help them when I can.

In this lifetime, I think that that is one of the blessings that God wants me to share with others. That is to be able to help people who are in need. I don’t have that much money, nor is a person who always gets what I want. But I sure am thankful because I am blessed so much by our God. He surrounded me with peers who take care of me, and those people who make me happy even through small deeds. God has blessed me more than what I deserve. So I hope that I can bless others too. 🙂

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