An Interrupted Schedule

Today is the day we (me and my fiancé) set for our prenup photoshoot. I was looking forward to this day, because one, I am excited to feel how everyone else feels whenever I will be seeing some friends posting their couple photos taken for prenup, and another, because I wanted to complete one essential part of our wedding planning. 

Before we were able to set this schedule, we did a lot of research on the best location where we can have our photos taken uniquely. And there we have it, my fiancé and I finally decided on Forest Barn, located in Tagaytay. So we contacted the place, and communicated with the photographer and event stylist to reserve their calendar for this day. 

And so, when my alarm went off this morning, that was 6 AM, I first saw my husband-to-be’s text message asking me “How can we push through with the photoshoot? I checked and weather forecast said that it would rain the whole day in our chosen location”. Sure enough, after getting to my senses, I finally heard the raindrops on our roof. Uh-oh. Why? Of all the days? I mean, yesterday’s weather was just fine. It only rained in the evening. So now, I sent message to our suppliers, asking if it would be fine to pursue with our schedule. One supplier replied saying “sure, the rain might stop later.” Since our shoot would not start until 2 in the afternoon. Alright. I finally got out of bed, then took my bath. 

My fiancé picked me up, and then while we were on our way, the other supplier finally replied to me, saying “Maybe we should find some other day when the weather would cooperate with us.” Uh, okay. But then we talked and decided to do it anyway, because the other supplier is already halfway near from the destination. 

Since the roadtrip was long, I did a lot (by a lot, that was like every other minute) of praying. I kept praying and asking God: “God, please, please stop the rain. Or if not, please help us get through with this event.” 

I didn’t have it my way. Even until we reached the place, it was still raining. Although I can say that it can only be categorized as drizzle, still, it will be difficult knowing that the place is famous for their woods and barn look, and I have some dressing up to do. When the make up artist came, we started with the preparation and waited for the photographer. And soon after the latter came, we immediately started with the shooting since there was only little rain. However, as we progressed, rain would suddenly fall hard, wetting us all, and making us run for shelter. And this went on until the end of shoot, coming out when there was little rain, and running back to the barn when the rain would start up.

Honestly, I hated it when I get my feet or clothes wet on ordinary days. But I didn’t know what was on me earlier that I didn’t even complain. Take note that my dress and shoes got wet on the shoot. I believe this is God’s spirit acting on me. Thank God! Because had I lost my temper, everything would be ruined, and worse, we could have to set another date to redo our session. I would have to bother everyone else because of my bad temper. Thank God for sending His spirit upon me. And everything went well. Even better than I expected. I enjoyed every single moment. 🙂

Romans 8:26-27 – “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”

So for times when you do not know what to do, or say, or even pray for, ask help from God. Because He knows what to do. 😉

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