I will never forget how my mom used to tell me that I was potty trained after turning one. I do not know how my nanny did it, but during our time, we used cloth as diapers instead of disposable ones.
My toddler was still wearing diapers even after he turned two. However, I was not worried at all because I believe that children will learn to go to the toilet when they are ready. And a few days ago, my son stopped wearing nappies after we bought him boxer shorts. Hurrah!
“Why did I not think about buying it earlier?” was what crossed my mind. However, maybe everything was just at the right time. Had we let him wear boxers earlier, he could have refused to wear them right now.
When is my child ready for potty training?
So, how do you know when your child is ready to start potty training? There really is not one timeline that fits all. Other children might start going to the toilet even before they turn one, while others still wear diapers by age four.
One of the most effective potty training tips for toddlers is to know when your child is ready. Here are some signs to watch out for to see if you will soon be ditching diapers.
Your child wants you to change wet or dirty diapers immediately.
When your child hates soiled diapers, it is one good sign that your child is ready to relieve herself to the toilet. It means that your toddler is grossed about pee or poo touching their bum, so get ready to transition them to undies.

Your child tells you when she wants to pee or poo.
Being able to tell the adult that a child wants to do her business means she is also ready to be diaper-free. Save yourself from asking your toddler because when she is ready, she will tell you when she needs to go.
Your child watches you use the toilet.
One of the best potty training tips is by showing your child how to use the toilet. Children learn best by watching their parents do stuff. Show your child how to wipe using a tissue and flush the toilet after every use to get her ready to be potty trained.
Your child’s diaper stays dry or clean longer.
You checked your toddler’s diaper a few hours after changing only to find clean nappies. It is one of the top potty training tips that show your child can hold her pee or poo longer. Time to move on to the next part to get your child ready for potty training!
One of the signs your child is not ready for potty training is when she is resistant when bringing her to the toilet. This is what I noticed when I was trying to get my son to pee in the toilet. I stopped forcing him as it might cause a delay in potty training.
How to get child ready for potty training?
When you are starting to see signs that your toddler is ready to potty train, there are some things you can do to help her ease through the changes. However, do take note that it takes a lot of patience because this is something new to them.
Introduction to potty or toilet
Even before you see signs your child is ready for potty training, try to introduce the potty or toilet to her. Getting to know about the real deal will be easier for your toddler to not be afraid of change.
Create a schedule and stick to it
Bring your child to the toilet upon waking up in the morning and afternoon naps. Then, bring her every hour or so to avoid having to clean up the mess by accident. It helps that your child is accustomed to going to the toilet to pee or poo.

Be creative
You can make a pee and poo chart and have your toddler stick a sticker every time she uses the toilet. By being creative, your child will be more eager to stop wearing diapers in no time.
You may give rewards for a job well done
When children receive rewards after doing a good job, you are enforcing the child to do good. You can give stickers and toys or bring them to their favorite places to help remind them to use the potty when they need to pee or poo.
Make the experience enjoyable
There are cute and colorful potties you can buy so your child is more excited to use the potty trainer. Or you can also sing songs as your child relieves herself. Why not read books to your child while you accompany her?

Praise your child
Besides receiving rewards, children also love hearing praise given by their parents or caregivers. When you say good things to toddlers, they are likely to repeat the action. You can say, “Good job for peeing in the toilet.”
Patience, patience, and patience
Children learn through repetition. Ensure that you consistently bring them to the toilet, and you are sure that they will be out of nappies soon. Be patient especially when they resist seating on the potty when you are just starting, as they need to get accustomed to the new habit.
Nighttime potty training
Do not expect that your child is already potty trained at night once she is during the day. Nighttime sleeping is longer than afternoon naps, so you still have to potty train your toddler to sleep through the night without diapers.
Nighttime potty training tips
Surprisingly, my son did not wet the bed when I first removed his diapers during the night. But if you are afraid that your child might not be able to do it, here are some nighttime potty training tips so you can avoid having to change bedsheets every night.
- Ensure that you let your child pee before going to sleep.
- Do not let your toddler drink so much for at least an hour before going to sleep.
- Remind your child to tell you when she needs to go to the toilet always.
It might be scary to remove your child’s diapers at night at first (I was scared too!), but slowly yet surely, your child will soon be free from the bulky nappies. Again, you will need lots and lots of patience as not all children are the same.
The Takeaway
Parents might be pressured to find the most suitable potty training tips and tricks for their toddlers when they see children of peers execute potty training in 3 days. However, as a parent, you must not compare your children with any other child because they are all different individuals.
Bear in mind that children all have their timelines when it comes to learning stuff. When you hear other children’s development seems to be earlier than yours, just smile and nod. Your child will be ready when her time comes.
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