God’s Big Little Blessing

Being a mother is one of my greatest dreams in life. When I was younger, I used to think how I would teach my child to grow up to become a fine young lady or a gentle-ly man. I would often read articles on magazines and online on how to become a good mother to my future children. I would admire people who have grown and developed a well mannered adult with their teachings and guidelines. And as much as possible, I try to remember their secret on how they used God’s words on how to grow a family beautifully.

As I grow up to become an adult, I know that I was busy earning for a living and trying to make my parents proud of my accomplishments. But I also found that generations after generations, children have evolved from being obedient and kind ones, to a more tech savvy and futuristic kids that sometimes we do not even understand how they have evolved with such witty minds. I mean, there were times that when I hear young people talking to one another, like 3 to 5 year olds: they would argue with one another and talking like how Youtube sensations talk. It would always stuck me as, “Wait a minute, how did you learn those words?”, or like “Do you even understand what they mean?”.

As amazed as I was, at the same time, I am frightened of what the future holds for my mini me’s. I am like, how can I protect my child from the evil that is lurking around him in the corner. What can I do to make him grow up to become a God fearing child, and that he would be just like how I want him to be? Seeing the children nowadays scares me, that what if I can’t be an effective mother to him? What if I can’t make him feel my love? What if he grows up and gets influenced to bad company? Can I still change him? Will I be able to let go of him as he slowly drifts away from me? What if he marries to the wrong person? The list is endless. And it’s driving me crazy at some point.

But God assures me that He will be there to help strengthen me and help me at all times.

Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

God knows that there are things that we fear we cannot face. But do not worry for God will always stay by your side no matter how dark the road ahead may seem. That when we feel that we cannot do it anymore, we should always remember that the unseen, no matter how bad it may be, that God won’t let us face it alone. He will be there to guide us and protect us so long as we believe and trust in Him. Because He will always be the way, the truth and the life.

John 14:6 – “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Let us be glad because no matter how much we fail to be the child that God wants us to be, He on the other hand never fails. For only the true love of a Father can ever love, forgive and accept us no matter how many times we fall and betray Him. That when things go wrong, we just have to look up to Him, and acknowledge that we can never handle this life all by ourselves. That we really need Him all the days of our life.

Soon, this little blessing that I am currently carrying will be out. And all I can say is that, I will give my best to provide for him and be a parent that God wants me to be. That way, I can show God that what He has given to us is all worth it. So please help me God. 🙂

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